Through Our Eyes – Week 12

Each Wednesday, WKU’s Student Chapter of NPPA brings you the best images of the past week taken by our very own students. To submit, you must currently be a WKU Photojournalism student and have taken the images or produced the video in the last week (Monday to Monday). Send your top 5 choices to and our officers will pick the best of the bunch to showcase.

Week1101The UCI Cyclocross Elite World Championships were held in Louisville, Ky. at Eva Banman Park on Saturday, February 2, 2013.

Kreable Young

Week1102Katie McLean

Week1103Abby O’Bryan

NPPA Announcements!

Get ready because NPPA is announcing a whole bunch of events!

If you don’t have Facebook or we sadly aren’t friends yet, pay attention because this email contains a ton of important information! If you don’t take a few minutes to read, you’ll only be cheating yourself out of awesome opportunities!

Firstly, do not forget to submit your picture for the Print Trade which is taking place next Tuesday, February 12th at our secretary, Alix Mattingly’s, house. It starts at 8pm and is located at 1326 Park St., Apt. D.
All submissions are due by 11:59 on Sunday the 10th. Make sure you have paid your $10 annual dues OR submitted your National number to BEFORE the print trade. Otherwise, we sadly cannot print your wonderful photo. If you want to remind yourself, join our event here.

Secondly, Career Day and Career Night. Every year we have Career Day where you can have your portfolio reviewed by actual professionals in the industry who just so happen to be in hiring positions (hint, hint, think summer internships and future jobs). This is definitely a dress-to-impress day; take it as seriously as an interview. For complete information, please refer to the email our Director, Mr. Kenney, sent out and our Facebook event located here.
In preparation for Career Day, we are having Career Night in 127 on February 13th starting at 8pm. This is going to be an information, case-by-case question/answer, critique, review, you name it session. Need help with your portfolio? Need help with your resume? Don’t even know what a cover letter is? Don’t worry. Just come with your questions in tow and someone will be able to help you out. You can also look at our Facebook page and join so you don’t forget about it. The link is here.

Thirdly, we are having the second clip contest! Basically, this is a WKU-only contest, much like KNPA, CPOY or POY. You can submit up to 5 entries in each category of Sports Action, Sports Feature, News, Portrait and Story. This means you can enter up to 25 separate times. Think of the possibilities! All photos must have been taken between October 28th and the deadline, which is Tuesday, February 19th. For full rules and guidelines, please refer to our Facebook event page, here. At the end of the year, the person with the most points will win some PJ swag. Currently, Adam Wolffbrandt is in the lead with 5 points, closely followed by Austin Anthony with 4. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of time to claim the prize for yourself!

Finally! Don’t forget that EVERY Tuesday is a Through Our Eyes deadline. You can submit up to 5 images or videos, if that’s your style, to by 6:30pm every single Tuesday. Everything you submit must have been taken in that one week period, however. If you’re submitting video, it has to have been finished within the Tuesday-to-Tuesday time period. At the end of the year, NPPA will be producing a book of all the images picked for Through Our Eyes. How cool!? Check out the blog, here.

Thanks to every single one of you who take part in NPPA events!
Brittany, Danny, Adam and Alix

Through Our Eyes – Week 11

Each Wednesday, WKU’s Student Chapter of NPPA brings you the best images of the past week taken by our very own students. To submit, you must currently be a WKU Photojournalism student and have taken the images or produced the video in the last week (Monday to Monday). Send your top 5 choices to and our officers will pick the best of the bunch to showcase.


TOE_Week11_02Jabin Botsford

Winter Storm 12.20.2012Adam Wolffbrandt

Inauguration 1.21.13Adam Wolffbrandt


Brenda K. Farmer has been living in a movie screen for over a month at the Holiday Drive In located in Rockport, Indiana. The Drive In was built in 1958 and the main screen has been broken up into several apartments. “It’s great. When I tell people they ask me if I’m homeless or something. I laugh and explain to them that it’s actually a nice home,” Farmer said.

Brittany Greeson


JEFF BROWN/Junior guard Brandon Harris reaches for a rebound in the first halfagainst Louisville.  WKU lost 78-55 against #5 Louisville at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tn on Dec. 22, 2012.

Jeff Brown

TOE_Week11_08Brittany Sowacke

TOE_Week11_09Adam Wolffbrandt

WKU Journalism to Host Photography Gallery on the Civil War


Civil War enthusiasts, people interested in American History and photographers who want to explore the beginning of photojournalism will want to mark their calendars for later this month when an exhibit opens at Western Kentucky University featuring 3D images  in a multimedia environment as well as reproduction photographs from the Civil War era.

The gallery show opens Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 7:00 pm with a special sneak-peak and keynote presentation from Potter College Dean David Lee. The Wednesday presentation will be a WKU “swipe-able” event. This special event is free and open to the public.

The show will feature a collection of over 60 Civil War images looking at the portfolios of several well-known and some more obscure photographers as well as a re-creation of Matthew Brady’s 1862 New York City gallery  called “The Dead of Antietam”  documenting the Battle of Antietam. The Sept. 17, 1862, battle at Sharpsburg, Md., is known as the bloodiest single day in American military history.

The exhibit, which is free and open to the public, runs from Jan. 24 to March 29, excluding the week of March 11, in the university’s Mass Media and Technology Hall atrium and gallery between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday-Friday. It is sponsored by Potter College, the School of Journalism and Broadcasting and the WKU History Department. 


Through Our Eyes – Week 10

Each Wednesday, WKU’s Student Chapter of NPPA brings you the best images of the past week taken by our very own students. To submit, you must currently be a WKU Photojournalism student and have taken the images or produced the video in the last week (Monday to Monday). Send your top 5 choices to and our officers will pick the best of the bunch to showcase.

Adam Wolffbrandt

Brittany Sowacke

Colin Pershbacher

For the final post of this week, we wanted to highlight a group project done in the Practicum class. Over the semester, a team of seven WKU students (sammy Jo Hester, Crystin Faenza, Ian Maule, Austin Anthony, Justin Philalack, Megan Tan and Katie Mayfield) and one design graduate (Dalton Rowe) decided they wanted to know more about the rich immigrant culture in Bowling Green.

Voices of Our Neighbors explores the international stories hidden within Bowling Green, Ky. Its diverse population is unexpected. From 2008 to 2012, approximately 1631 refugees reestablished their lives within the city.

The purpose of the project is to answer the question,
“Who are our neighbors?”

By gathering stories from the international communities, we want to share the experiences of people who have had to leave their families, assimilate and redefine their identity. Our goal is to be a bridge for a diverse town of people who are calling one place their home.

To view the complete website and hear all the interviews, please follow this link


Through Our Eyes – Week 9

Each Wednesday, WKU’s Student Chapter of NPPA brings you the best images of the past week taken by our very own students. To submit, you must currently be a WKU Photojournalism student and have taken the images or produced the video in the last week (Monday to Monday). Send your top 5 choices to and our officers will pick the best of the bunch to showcase.

Alyssa Pointer

Alyssa Pointer

Landon Lovett, a sister of the AOPi sorority at Western Kentucky University passed away after being hit by a drunk driver on Memorial Day. Her sisters and friends at Western Kentucky University came together on November 28 to send lanterns to the sky with written prayers and memories of Landon written on them.

Sammy Jo Hester

Victoria Frascino models a mustache ring purchased from 25 de Marco in Sao Paulo, Brazil for $15. The shirt ($20) and pants ($24) are from Forever 21 and the shoes ($170) are from Arezzo.

Kreable Young

Liberian refugee Shirley Bargblor takes a break from bagging leaves with her granddaughter’s Kwametee, 3, and Kwamena, 5, to speak on the phone with a friend. Shirley and her husband Eurodger live with four of their six children as well as two grandchildren in a four bedroom apartment; property of the Public Housing Authority in Bowling Green, Ky. Through different funds and charities, the Bargblor’s pay nothing to rent the apartment. “It is a gift from God,” Shirley said. Both Shirley and Eurodger attend WKU part-time and are on track to receive their business degrees.

Luke Franke

Journalism or Rubbernecking?

Yesterday in New York, a man was pushed off a train platform in line of an oncoming train. A freelance photographer for The New York Post was there to witness it. This is the result.


Now, the question of ethics and humanity come into play. Should the photographer, R. Umar Abbasi, have done exactly as he did – photograph a news worthy situation? Or should he have put down his camera and tried to help the struggling man?

What would you have done?

We shouldn’t only be questioning the photographer, however. Was is right for The Post to run this photo? Should it have been published but not on the front page?

To read more about the incident, click here.

To read about the journalism world’s backlash against the publication and photographer, click here.


Through Our Eyes – Week 8

Each Wednesday, WKU’s Student Chapter of NPPA brings you the best images of the past week taken by our very own students. To submit, you must currently be a WKU Photojournalism student and have taken the images or produced the video in the last week (Monday to Monday). Send your top 5 choices to and our officers will pick the best of the bunch to showcase.


“It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

On a clear night, outside the city limits, looking up at the night sky, an endless speckle of lights that resemble diamonds, glisten as we watch. “Twinkle” is a video portrait series that takes the tune we grew up singing and shows the curiosity of children as we were before.

**video/time-lapse/production by Justin Philalack


Adam Wolffbrandt

Bria Granville

Ian Maule

Alix Mattingly

Colin Perschbacher

Adam Wolffbrandt

The Clip Contest results are in!

After a few weeks of growing anticipation the results have finally all come in.

So many, many thanks to Mike Zajakowski, Maggie Walker, Meg Theno and Erin Mystkowski of The Chicago Tribune, Rick Loomis and Liz O. Baylen of The L.A. Times, David Weatherwax of The Jasper Herald and Mike Davis and his graduate class at Syracuse University!

Without further ado, the winners!

1st Place – Adam Wolffbrandt – with 5 photos voted into the finals.

2nd Place – Austin Anthony – with 4

3rd Place is a tie between Morgan Walker

and Ian Maule

4th Place is a 5-way tie between Brittany Sowacke

Sam Oldenburg

Bria Granville

Christian Randolph

and Josh Mauser

To see the full results from each individual paper, come on in to the PJ Lounge. Comments are up as well!