The non-majors PJ131 Introduction to Photography class took to turning their camera on themselves, the life around them and their families as they found themselves quarantined the second half of the spring semester due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. We are proud of their efforts and wanted to take a moment to applaud their work and recognize their efforts.

“The first thing I’m doing when quarantine is over is going to church,” Catherine Taylor said on Sunday. Much like her husband, she has missed very few Sundays and longs to be back in the church building she grew up in, rather than praying virtually on her front porch. “I know that church isn’t just a building, but I can’t wait to be worshiping with my church family again.” she added. Photo by Rachel Taylor

Stephen Taylor follows along in his Bible as his pastor reads Psalm 23 through video. “These days I’m spending Sundays mornings on my front porch watching my preacher on a Facebook video and I think it’s normal. How crazy is that?” Stephen said he’s never missed church more than two or three Sundays in a row his entire life. Now he’s missed nearly seven because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Rachel Taylor

“In all my years of preaching, I never could’ve imagined doing something like this.” Brother Grant Minton has been the pastor at the Auburn Cumberland Presbyterian Church for over 25 years and has been a pastor his entire life. “The worst part is the empty seats. Preaching to my phone just isn’t the same.” Photo by Rachel Taylor

As Lara Levine is painting, Tiger, one of three cats comes to visit. He is intrigued by the paint brush and sniffs it, ending up getting paint on his nose. “Tiger is a funny cat and is always sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.” Photo by Samantha Levine

While the COIVD-19 pandemic takes over, I try to find the light in the situation no matter how impossible it seems. Continuing to find myself and blossom like I was in my first year of college has taken an unexpected turn, but I will make do. After every storm there is a rainbow, you just have to look for it. Photo by Grace Bailey

Luke Taylor, a Western student, goes to the grocery store so his grandparents can stay at home. “You never know how much you hate being lazy until you’re forced to be lazy. Sometimes, I go to the store because I have nothing better to do.” said Taylor. There is no question many share Taylor’s feelings, even during quarantine the roads of Bowling Green are packed to the brim as people try to escape the boredom of their homes. Photo by Raaj Banga

Derrick Russell, 9, looks out the window with his backpack thinking of memories of going to school. “I miss my teacher and friends, I don’t want to stay in the house anymore.” With hopes to everything getting better he is currently taking classes online. Photo by Vonn Pillman

Yvette Calhon, 60, cheers up her grandson who misses going to school. “I understand that every kid his age wants to be around others his age this is very hard for him.” With hopes of everything going back to normal she gives him a new toy everyday to make him happy. Photo by Vonn Pillman

Photographer Kennedy Gott tries to find a way to continue to take portraits while in self-quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing is becoming very frustrating to her because she misses being able to do the things she loves and see the people she loves. “I wanted to use this blanket to show this feeling of ‘being trapped’ within my home,” she thought. Photo by Kennedy Gott

Paul Driehaus sits on the stairs, rather annoyed with Josie, the dog. They’ve had a long few weeks, with him not being able to go out. Paul is not taking too well to being stuck, as he likes to be independent. Photo by Alex Driehaus

Michael Frausto secures the placement of his mask to avoid contamination. Michael says, “I must do everything in my power to ensure safety of my daughter.” Photo by Karla Frausto

This moment in my life is very strange and I’ve found myself struggling to find balance between healthy and unhealthy behaviors. My cigarette intake is up to two packs per day. I’m also finding it hard to convince myself to bathe, as it’s really my only big to-do. In this photo I’m embracing the yen and the yang. Photo by Missy Johnson

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several volunteers help to bag groceries contains essential foods for the Ephram White Park Food Drive in Bowling Green, KY. Photo by Kennedy Gott

Two sisters run around in the creek through Cherokee Park. “I love watching them play in the water, they just have so much fun!,” their parents said, Even though these girls can’t be around their friends the ability to get out and enjoy the weather brought big smiles to their faces. Photo by Alyssa Gordon

Carley Kayabasi sits at Cherokee Park with her mask on while visiting her friend. She says, “With such pretty weather it has been awesome to social distance in the outdoors with a close friend.” Photo by Alyssa Gordon

On April 14th, her fourth week of self-isolation and social distancing, WKU freshman and student journalist Cassady Lamb takes a slow shutter self-portrait in her house located in Louisville, KY. Louisville currently has hundreds of reported coronavirus cases, and citizens of the Commonwealth are urged by Governor Beshear to stay in their homes if applicable. Photo by Cassady Lamb

Ken and Leslie Kann have found taking walks around their neighborhood to be beneficial for their mental health. “Getting some fresh air outside helps life feel a little more ‘normal'”, Leslie says. “A change of scenery no matter how small is definitely nice.” Photo by Elly Kann

Self-portrait by Fatimah Alhamdin.

Self-portrait by Raaj Banga.

This very small one bedroom apartment located on Fairview Ave.houses three cats and one dog, making Johnsons time of isolation less lonely. Photo by Missy Johnson