Chris Stanford: Photographer+Filmmaker

JRH Room 127 1665 Normal St., Bowling Green, KY, United States

Chris Stanford is a commercial and editorial photographer, as well as a filmmaker, based in Atlanta, Georgia. He started in newspapers before Continue Reading →


Senior project screening day

JRH Viewing Room #134 1665 Normal Drive, Bowling Green, KY

Howdy WKUPJers! The WKUPJ senior capstone course, PJ436 Projects in Photojournalism will be presenting their final projects and portfolios to Continue Reading →


Our World Burning Photo Exhibition

JRH Gallery / Atrium and Auditorium 1665 Normal Drive, Bowling Green, KY, United States

The Thomas Fire burns in the Los Padres National Forest, near Ojai, Calif., on Dec. 8, 2017. A group of Continue Reading →