
Chris Stafford


Overcoming the loss of family, Chris Stafford builds a new bond within his Engine Company

After the life-long dream of becoming a professional football player didn’t pan out, he pursued another desired career path – firefighting. Now working as a firefighter for the past two years at the Bowling Green Fire Department, Stafford tries to live up to the example set by his brother Jason Johnson, who died a month before he got hired for the job.

View Shaban Athuman’s story of Stafford’s journey to honor his family while building a trust in a new brotherhood. Complete Story Here


Tough Love

As they wait for their boxing coach Nick Baries, to pick them up for practice, 'Man-Man' and 'Juicy' talk amongst themselves following a quick game of basketball with their cousin, March 17, 2016. There are only six days left until the brothers compete in their first title championship at the Indianapolis Golden Gloves tournament.

Tough Love

After spending over two decades in and out of prison, James Davis’ dream of success was deferred. But when he adopts his two nephews he also receives a chance to redeem his life.

Alyssa Pointer’s story follows the Louisville, Kentucky trio as they use the sport of boxing to provide discipline and goals that all three can build upon.

Link to complete story

Los Rancheros

Los Rancheros

Marcos Espinoza, 17, who is half Guatemalan and Mexican is born and raised in the U.S. He’s a son of illegal immigrants. He represents a generation of Hispanics, the biggest and youngest minority group in the States currently counting 54 million people (2013). Never before in the history of America has a minority ethnic group made up such a large share of the youth in America. One-in-five schoolchildren are Hispanic and every fourth child born is Hispanic according to Pew Research Center.

WKUPJ Student Betina Garcia introduces us to the Espinoza and Barrillas family, giving us a better understanding of the changing population that makes up the U.S. today.



The Dream and the War

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Vito Tisdale, formerly “Big V” of the two-time Grammy nominated hip-hop group Nappy Roots, navigates life after fame. Vito works to be a stable father figure to his daughter, Meadow, but often struggles to find a balance between family and music. Be sure to visit the web site here.
By Kreable Young and Katie McLean

Hear Through the Holler

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Hear Through the Holler is a collaborative web-based project created by journalists Tyler Essary and Luke Franke in the spring of 2015. With a tip from a friend and fellow journalist Emily Kask the pair set out in late February with their sights set on Christiana, Tenn., roughly a 30 minute drive south of Murfreesboro.
After shooting countless hours of video the team presents what you see here now on this site. The video, along with all other content, exists to document Hippie Hill and its’ people. Often looked down upon by outside media Hear Through the Holler is the first true glimpse of what Tom Maddox, his wife Jeanie, and Hippie Hill itself mean to so many people in Tennessee and all over the United States.
We would like to thank Hippie Hill, the residents, and all who helped make this project come to light. May it allow a better glimpse into the lives of the people that live there and the true intentions of the Hill.

Miss Parker Bennett

by Megan Tan

When the program director of Parker Bennett Community Center Sabrina Johnson pairs up with Miss Black Western of 2013 Porshia Austin to host their first beauty pageant, their intensions of giving a group of young girls the opportunity to perform for the first time becomes more challenging than they expect.